Thursday, December 26, 2019

Us Labour Market Case Study - 1513 Words

Fed’s US Labour Market Outlook: Tough to Believe? As we pass the midpoint of 2017, it has become blatantly clear that US labour market slack is rapidly diminishing, as measured by the declining civilian unemployment rate. Meanwhile, against this ever-tightening backdrop, the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) median forecast for the civilian unemployment rate indicates no further decline during the remainder of this year and a modest drop to 4.2% by 2018 Q4. This baseline outlook is seemingly puzzling, given the FOMC’s overly-pessimistic views about the labour market embedded in earlier economic forecasts. There is a negative relationship between the US unemployment rate and real GDP growth, and this has frequently been referred to as†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, Fed Chair Yellen has intimated that ageing US demographics would suggest a flat participation rate as the best possible outcome moving forward. Critically, this baseline labour supply outlook is also incompatible with an unchanged unemployment rate forecast. The FOMC could, therefore, face questions about the credibility of its estimates, an outcome members will be keen to avoid. There are, however, a number of escape routes for the FOMC to utilise. Firstly, members could aggressively lower their estimate of the natural rate of unemployment, and, secondly, the policy reaction function could be subsequently altered to adjust for the lowered target of this important metric, all other things being equal. Reducing the estimate of the natural rate of unemployment would suggest the economy is currently further away from full employment than originally envisaged. The policy reaction function could, therefore, be adjusted with a dovish tilt, particularly if inflation continued to undershoot the FOMC’s 2% target. Forward guidance to interest rate normalisation would subsequently require revision. Meanwhile, the reluctance of the FOMC to lower their estimate of the unemployment rate or change the policy reaction function from its current hawkish tilt has the hallmarks of a central bank being locked into a somewhat dogmatic path of interest rate normalisation, at least for the time being. High Unemployment Undershooting Risks Imply Entrenched HawkishShow MoreRelatedLabour Market Need 1234 Words   |  5 Pagesthese outcomes is a labour market need for migrant workers to fill jobs that indigenous workers reject (Fellini et al., 2007; Massey et al., 1998; Piore, 1979). However, this is not a spontaneous process and it is important to recognize the role played by labour market actors, particularly employers (or their agents) and the state (Bach, 2007; Rodriguez, 2004). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Debate On Owning A Gun Control - 1409 Words

Today, the debate on owning a gun has many sides: there are many positives and negatives that come into play when talking about gun control. Gun control is a very controversial issue, however, with the right prevention steps one could relax knowing that the situation is finally being addressed. Most citizens have the right to have a gun other than felons. Felons have no rights to a gun and can not own or have one in their possession. Many people have their own feeling on guns on if they should have to be registered or not. Gun control comes across bad to citizens considering the fact that, the government has full rang over the decision on it. When talking about gun control there are many step to take, in many people s eyes, from if gun†¦show more content†¦Founders decided that the right to own a gun is fundamental and essential to maintain liberty as part of the right to free speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion and other protections. 35% of men and 12% of women ow n one or more guns. Most adults that conceal and carry are law abiding and normally do not misuse them. When citizens own a gun for not only protection but also for recreational purposes (â€Å"Concealed). A big majority of citizens support allowing others to conceal and carry. The United States has about 88.8 guns to 100 citizens (â€Å"Gun Control). There are many issues when entering the world of buying a gun. When purchasing a gun, citizen should be required to take class to learn more about how to handle and operate the gun they choose. Many accidents happen when guns are purchased and people don’t know how to handle them or how to properly store their weapons. Not only should citizens have to have training class to obtain a gun, Law enforcement does too. Law enforcement officer are required to take several hours of training classes so that they are well trained on operating a gun (Johnson). Adults who own guns and support gun control don’t have an issue with things such as background checks (â€Å"Gun Control). Another way that the United States government try to restrict or regulate the use of firearms is by controlling ammunition that one person can posses. The government restricts the amount or even the type of ammunition

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula Essay Example For Students

Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula Essay Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula. In your answer you should consider  1. To what degree do women conform to social norms  2. Archetypes  3. How the language is sexually charged  4. Their importance to the narrative  Mina and Lucy both represent very respectable upper-middle class women of the time, and play a very prominent role throughout the novel. Despite this, Mina is clearly more heroic than Lucy and can be seen as she outlives Dracula and is praised for her strong personality. It is clear in the novel that in order for Dracula to enter a building, or to have any relationship with a person/character, that he must be welcomed before he can act. As a result, it can be said that Mina is actually stronger than Lucy, as she resists Dracula to a larger extent. When Lucy is bitten, she finds it hard to sleep, and becomes restless in the nights as Mina observes. Lucy begins to sleepwalk, and it is made clear that the Bloofer Lady, who has become know among the children she is feeding off , as her new cravings need to be satisfied. Where the mystery lies though is how Dracula became to bite her, when there was no one at the house in Whitby to welcome him. This suggests some sort of co-operation with Dracula, whereas Mina does not have this luxury since Renfield welcomes him, and later confesses. Again, it is clear that Mina is also intellectually strong, as after being turned, she gains an insight into the childish mind of Dracula. As a mature woman, she decides that she should not know of the future actions of the group, since she believes that what she knows Dracula knows, and vice-versa. Mina is intellectually perceptive, and this is made clear when she asks Jonathan to promise her that he should inform her of no more. The men in the novel are particularly fond of Mina, especially Van Helsing as he says, Wonderful Madam Mina! She has a mans brain and a womens heart. Dracula lives off blood, and it is women stoker chooses to be the main target and victim of the predator. Out of all the possible forms of food, Dracula chooses to target both Mina and Lucy, both very beautiful, and middle class women. Why doesnt Dracula decide to go for lower class citizens, as they would be the most likely to be forgotten about, and there would be little suspicion? The fact that Dracula targets such women of class shows that he has taste, and does not settle for anything less than the best. It is clear that Dracula shows taste, because when he has to travel over the oceans, he settles for the men on board the ship. As a result of Draculas focus on women, the novel becomes more horrific. It is understandable that Dracula has taste, and beautiful women are preferable to men, but the fact that Stoker decides to use women instead of men suggests that he is trying to add a sense of disgust to Dracula, and help us to develop a hatred for the character, since some of the information can seem quite sympathetic and want us to side Dracula. Another reason for the preferred use of women as to men is because in reality, women have power over men. Dracula use the male weakness of women against the brother hood/band of brothers. I question this belief though, because if Dracula wanted to keep his movement to London as trouble free as possible, and he was using women for this motive, obviously he hadnt thought this plan through, since if he were to do this he would attract the attention of the more dominant sex, the male to hunt down the predator. By pursuing women, Dracula inflames the protective instincts of their protectors, men Personally, I think this shows Draculas childish brain and the fact that he has not thought his plan through. Women are the primary focus of Dracula because he cannot control his sexual needs, and this is a weakness of Draculas. .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .postImageUrl , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:visited , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:active { border:0!important; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:active , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Original writing - a bad day gets worse EssayStoker uses the pursuit of two women as a double plot structure, since he follows the effects of Lucy and repeats the same to Mina. The fact that this happens helps to highlight the point that the motives of the group of men change each turn round. With Lucy, they try to cure her, and fail to an extent, but do relieve her from her un-dead status to dead. I believe the group then realise that prevention is better than cure, and when Dracula attacks Mina, the group decide to hit back by searching to destroy the source rather than save the sick. It is clear that Stoker uses women to sexually charge his language, although this is sometimes subtle. For example, when Dracula attacks Renfield and then leads on to Mina, there are three in a bed so to speak. Mina is sucking blood from Draculas chest and Jonathan is in bed. Also, it is not clear if Mina and Jonathan have actually fully consummated their marriage, since at the ceremony Jonathan was almost fatally ill. This scene suggests to some that Mina may have been partly willing and attracted to Dracula since she has not yet consummated her marriage with her husband. Earlier in the Jonathans journal, Stoker writes a very erotic passage including three female vampires. It seems that both sexes of the vampire race become more beautiful as they quench their first, its almost as if they are renewing their youth. Their lips become more lusciously red and their teeth become sharp and shiny. Further, it says she actually licked her lips like an animal, till I could see in the moonlight the moisture shining on her scarlet lips. In this passage, Jonathan, who is clearly loyal to his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, is tempted by the vampires and is teased to the extent that he becomes a willing participant before Dracula enters and the theme changes. This is clear when it says, There was deliberate voluptuousness, which was both thrilling and repulsive.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sonntag Vs. The Unabomber Essays - Giftedness, Ted Kaczynski

Sonntag Vs. The Unabomber Expansion vs. Preservation William Sonntag was acclaimed in the 1850s as a painter of the dramatic landscape. In his painting Garden of the Gods, Sonntag portrays a family in the time of the westward expansion. The very subtle painting, expressed by its loose brushwork, captures the shifting atmospheric contrasts of light and dark. Apparent in the painting is a family struggling to survive in nature. In the bottom left corner of the painting is a weather beaten shack, the home of the struggling family. This painting brings out the live of the land mentality, but it also incorporates the idea of expansion. When you think about life today, do we really need to expand? Does all this technology really make our lives better? Certainly, Ted Kazinski (aka The Unabomber) doesnt think so. The well known advocate for a revolution against the Industrial system, the Unabomber believes the technological era will be a disaster to the human race. William Sonntags Garden of the Gods symbolizes expansion, as opposed to the Una bombers belief of preserving ones current way of life . The Unabombers ideal society would be that of life in the nineteenth century. It would be characteristic of life without TVs to brainwash us with, no scientists and engineers to try to simplify our lives, and no cars to pollute our mother earth with. It all comes together in what we see in the Garden of the Gods, hunting for food to feed your loving family, living in a shack made by ones own god given hands, and entertaining each other by storytelling in front of a campfire. Depicted in this painting is a luminous reflection of the sun on what seems to be rock formation in the background. This symbolizes gods intervention into human life, and the spiritual livelihood that is inherent in all of us. It is the heavens that helps us to overcome our everyday obstacles. Conquering new ground wasnt an easy task for many expansionists, confiding in god is what brought many of these settlers to overcome their fears and hindrances. Even though there are similarities between these two pieces, t hey still have one monumental difference. Expansion is what brings us to new levels. For many of these settlers, land wasnt a necessity; they believed they were destined for more land. This brings out the whole idea of Manifest Destiny. Continental expansion by the United States revitalized a sense of mission or national destiny for many Americans. Instead of expanding, The Unabomber wanted life in general to be simple. Is there really a need for expansion? With expansion comes new businesses which leads to an a economy that needs nourishment which then leads to the manufacturing of new products to make life easier. The Continental expansion excluded those people who were perceived as being incapable of self-government. Thus, causing the Indians to be forced of their land and placed on reservations. Just like the Indians, the Unabomber believed that the government has invaded our lives with all these technological advances and that they need to make the public aware of what the technological boom has on our society. The Unabomber would probably see himself like the hunters in this painting. But instead of killing animals to feed his family, he believed that he was helping out other people by way of murder. An example of the Unabombers slayings would be that of Thomas Mosser. The Burston-Marsteller executive who helped Exxon clean up its public image. The Exxon Oil spill caused the death of millions of animals just off the coast of Alaska. Exxon agreed to clean up everything, but that would of caused billions of the companys profits to be washed away. Instead, Exxon cleaned up most of there accident and left the rest to Thomas Mosser to make people think the spillage was nothing but history. The Unabombers belief of preservation is opposed in Sonntags Garden of the Gods. Its hard to compare the Unabombers beliefs with such a beautiful painting. When I think about the means of him getting his ideas across all I think about are his killings. If he would of found a non-violent way of communicating his ideas Im sure I would