Thursday, December 26, 2019

Us Labour Market Case Study - 1513 Words

Fed’s US Labour Market Outlook: Tough to Believe? As we pass the midpoint of 2017, it has become blatantly clear that US labour market slack is rapidly diminishing, as measured by the declining civilian unemployment rate. Meanwhile, against this ever-tightening backdrop, the Federal Open Market Committee’s (FOMC) median forecast for the civilian unemployment rate indicates no further decline during the remainder of this year and a modest drop to 4.2% by 2018 Q4. This baseline outlook is seemingly puzzling, given the FOMC’s overly-pessimistic views about the labour market embedded in earlier economic forecasts. There is a negative relationship between the US unemployment rate and real GDP growth, and this has frequently been referred to as†¦show more content†¦Meanwhile, Fed Chair Yellen has intimated that ageing US demographics would suggest a flat participation rate as the best possible outcome moving forward. Critically, this baseline labour supply outlook is also incompatible with an unchanged unemployment rate forecast. The FOMC could, therefore, face questions about the credibility of its estimates, an outcome members will be keen to avoid. There are, however, a number of escape routes for the FOMC to utilise. Firstly, members could aggressively lower their estimate of the natural rate of unemployment, and, secondly, the policy reaction function could be subsequently altered to adjust for the lowered target of this important metric, all other things being equal. Reducing the estimate of the natural rate of unemployment would suggest the economy is currently further away from full employment than originally envisaged. The policy reaction function could, therefore, be adjusted with a dovish tilt, particularly if inflation continued to undershoot the FOMC’s 2% target. Forward guidance to interest rate normalisation would subsequently require revision. Meanwhile, the reluctance of the FOMC to lower their estimate of the unemployment rate or change the policy reaction function from its current hawkish tilt has the hallmarks of a central bank being locked into a somewhat dogmatic path of interest rate normalisation, at least for the time being. High Unemployment Undershooting Risks Imply Entrenched HawkishShow MoreRelatedLabour Market Need 1234 Words   |  5 Pagesthese outcomes is a labour market need for migrant workers to fill jobs that indigenous workers reject (Fellini et al., 2007; Massey et al., 1998; Piore, 1979). However, this is not a spontaneous process and it is important to recognize the role played by labour market actors, particularly employers (or their agents) and the state (Bach, 2007; Rodriguez, 2004). 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Debate On Owning A Gun Control - 1409 Words

Today, the debate on owning a gun has many sides: there are many positives and negatives that come into play when talking about gun control. Gun control is a very controversial issue, however, with the right prevention steps one could relax knowing that the situation is finally being addressed. Most citizens have the right to have a gun other than felons. Felons have no rights to a gun and can not own or have one in their possession. Many people have their own feeling on guns on if they should have to be registered or not. Gun control comes across bad to citizens considering the fact that, the government has full rang over the decision on it. When talking about gun control there are many step to take, in many people s eyes, from if gun†¦show more content†¦Founders decided that the right to own a gun is fundamental and essential to maintain liberty as part of the right to free speech, freedom of press, freedom of religion and other protections. 35% of men and 12% of women ow n one or more guns. Most adults that conceal and carry are law abiding and normally do not misuse them. When citizens own a gun for not only protection but also for recreational purposes (â€Å"Concealed). A big majority of citizens support allowing others to conceal and carry. The United States has about 88.8 guns to 100 citizens (â€Å"Gun Control). There are many issues when entering the world of buying a gun. When purchasing a gun, citizen should be required to take class to learn more about how to handle and operate the gun they choose. Many accidents happen when guns are purchased and people don’t know how to handle them or how to properly store their weapons. Not only should citizens have to have training class to obtain a gun, Law enforcement does too. Law enforcement officer are required to take several hours of training classes so that they are well trained on operating a gun (Johnson). Adults who own guns and support gun control don’t have an issue with things such as background checks (â€Å"Gun Control). Another way that the United States government try to restrict or regulate the use of firearms is by controlling ammunition that one person can posses. The government restricts the amount or even the type of ammunition

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula Essay Example For Students

Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula Essay Exam Stokers presentation of women in Dracula. In your answer you should consider  1. To what degree do women conform to social norms  2. Archetypes  3. How the language is sexually charged  4. Their importance to the narrative  Mina and Lucy both represent very respectable upper-middle class women of the time, and play a very prominent role throughout the novel. Despite this, Mina is clearly more heroic than Lucy and can be seen as she outlives Dracula and is praised for her strong personality. It is clear in the novel that in order for Dracula to enter a building, or to have any relationship with a person/character, that he must be welcomed before he can act. As a result, it can be said that Mina is actually stronger than Lucy, as she resists Dracula to a larger extent. When Lucy is bitten, she finds it hard to sleep, and becomes restless in the nights as Mina observes. Lucy begins to sleepwalk, and it is made clear that the Bloofer Lady, who has become know among the children she is feeding off , as her new cravings need to be satisfied. Where the mystery lies though is how Dracula became to bite her, when there was no one at the house in Whitby to welcome him. This suggests some sort of co-operation with Dracula, whereas Mina does not have this luxury since Renfield welcomes him, and later confesses. Again, it is clear that Mina is also intellectually strong, as after being turned, she gains an insight into the childish mind of Dracula. As a mature woman, she decides that she should not know of the future actions of the group, since she believes that what she knows Dracula knows, and vice-versa. Mina is intellectually perceptive, and this is made clear when she asks Jonathan to promise her that he should inform her of no more. The men in the novel are particularly fond of Mina, especially Van Helsing as he says, Wonderful Madam Mina! She has a mans brain and a womens heart. Dracula lives off blood, and it is women stoker chooses to be the main target and victim of the predator. Out of all the possible forms of food, Dracula chooses to target both Mina and Lucy, both very beautiful, and middle class women. Why doesnt Dracula decide to go for lower class citizens, as they would be the most likely to be forgotten about, and there would be little suspicion? The fact that Dracula targets such women of class shows that he has taste, and does not settle for anything less than the best. It is clear that Dracula shows taste, because when he has to travel over the oceans, he settles for the men on board the ship. As a result of Draculas focus on women, the novel becomes more horrific. It is understandable that Dracula has taste, and beautiful women are preferable to men, but the fact that Stoker decides to use women instead of men suggests that he is trying to add a sense of disgust to Dracula, and help us to develop a hatred for the character, since some of the information can seem quite sympathetic and want us to side Dracula. Another reason for the preferred use of women as to men is because in reality, women have power over men. Dracula use the male weakness of women against the brother hood/band of brothers. I question this belief though, because if Dracula wanted to keep his movement to London as trouble free as possible, and he was using women for this motive, obviously he hadnt thought this plan through, since if he were to do this he would attract the attention of the more dominant sex, the male to hunt down the predator. By pursuing women, Dracula inflames the protective instincts of their protectors, men Personally, I think this shows Draculas childish brain and the fact that he has not thought his plan through. Women are the primary focus of Dracula because he cannot control his sexual needs, and this is a weakness of Draculas. .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .postImageUrl , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:visited , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:active { border:0!important; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:active , .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527 .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc57128e3b9b7720ae9924fc9f6e89527:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Original writing - a bad day gets worse EssayStoker uses the pursuit of two women as a double plot structure, since he follows the effects of Lucy and repeats the same to Mina. The fact that this happens helps to highlight the point that the motives of the group of men change each turn round. With Lucy, they try to cure her, and fail to an extent, but do relieve her from her un-dead status to dead. I believe the group then realise that prevention is better than cure, and when Dracula attacks Mina, the group decide to hit back by searching to destroy the source rather than save the sick. It is clear that Stoker uses women to sexually charge his language, although this is sometimes subtle. For example, when Dracula attacks Renfield and then leads on to Mina, there are three in a bed so to speak. Mina is sucking blood from Draculas chest and Jonathan is in bed. Also, it is not clear if Mina and Jonathan have actually fully consummated their marriage, since at the ceremony Jonathan was almost fatally ill. This scene suggests to some that Mina may have been partly willing and attracted to Dracula since she has not yet consummated her marriage with her husband. Earlier in the Jonathans journal, Stoker writes a very erotic passage including three female vampires. It seems that both sexes of the vampire race become more beautiful as they quench their first, its almost as if they are renewing their youth. Their lips become more lusciously red and their teeth become sharp and shiny. Further, it says she actually licked her lips like an animal, till I could see in the moonlight the moisture shining on her scarlet lips. In this passage, Jonathan, who is clearly loyal to his fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½, is tempted by the vampires and is teased to the extent that he becomes a willing participant before Dracula enters and the theme changes. This is clear when it says, There was deliberate voluptuousness, which was both thrilling and repulsive.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Sonntag Vs. The Unabomber Essays - Giftedness, Ted Kaczynski

Sonntag Vs. The Unabomber Expansion vs. Preservation William Sonntag was acclaimed in the 1850s as a painter of the dramatic landscape. In his painting Garden of the Gods, Sonntag portrays a family in the time of the westward expansion. The very subtle painting, expressed by its loose brushwork, captures the shifting atmospheric contrasts of light and dark. Apparent in the painting is a family struggling to survive in nature. In the bottom left corner of the painting is a weather beaten shack, the home of the struggling family. This painting brings out the live of the land mentality, but it also incorporates the idea of expansion. When you think about life today, do we really need to expand? Does all this technology really make our lives better? Certainly, Ted Kazinski (aka The Unabomber) doesnt think so. The well known advocate for a revolution against the Industrial system, the Unabomber believes the technological era will be a disaster to the human race. William Sonntags Garden of the Gods symbolizes expansion, as opposed to the Una bombers belief of preserving ones current way of life . The Unabombers ideal society would be that of life in the nineteenth century. It would be characteristic of life without TVs to brainwash us with, no scientists and engineers to try to simplify our lives, and no cars to pollute our mother earth with. It all comes together in what we see in the Garden of the Gods, hunting for food to feed your loving family, living in a shack made by ones own god given hands, and entertaining each other by storytelling in front of a campfire. Depicted in this painting is a luminous reflection of the sun on what seems to be rock formation in the background. This symbolizes gods intervention into human life, and the spiritual livelihood that is inherent in all of us. It is the heavens that helps us to overcome our everyday obstacles. Conquering new ground wasnt an easy task for many expansionists, confiding in god is what brought many of these settlers to overcome their fears and hindrances. Even though there are similarities between these two pieces, t hey still have one monumental difference. Expansion is what brings us to new levels. For many of these settlers, land wasnt a necessity; they believed they were destined for more land. This brings out the whole idea of Manifest Destiny. Continental expansion by the United States revitalized a sense of mission or national destiny for many Americans. Instead of expanding, The Unabomber wanted life in general to be simple. Is there really a need for expansion? With expansion comes new businesses which leads to an a economy that needs nourishment which then leads to the manufacturing of new products to make life easier. The Continental expansion excluded those people who were perceived as being incapable of self-government. Thus, causing the Indians to be forced of their land and placed on reservations. Just like the Indians, the Unabomber believed that the government has invaded our lives with all these technological advances and that they need to make the public aware of what the technological boom has on our society. The Unabomber would probably see himself like the hunters in this painting. But instead of killing animals to feed his family, he believed that he was helping out other people by way of murder. An example of the Unabombers slayings would be that of Thomas Mosser. The Burston-Marsteller executive who helped Exxon clean up its public image. The Exxon Oil spill caused the death of millions of animals just off the coast of Alaska. Exxon agreed to clean up everything, but that would of caused billions of the companys profits to be washed away. Instead, Exxon cleaned up most of there accident and left the rest to Thomas Mosser to make people think the spillage was nothing but history. The Unabombers belief of preservation is opposed in Sonntags Garden of the Gods. Its hard to compare the Unabombers beliefs with such a beautiful painting. When I think about the means of him getting his ideas across all I think about are his killings. If he would of found a non-violent way of communicating his ideas Im sure I would

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

System Design and Analysis Presentation Essays

System Design and Analysis Presentation Essays System Design and Analysis Presentation Essay System Design and Analysis Presentation Essay A Project proposal on An Information System solution for [name of the system] By: [List of Names:Id No] Background [Include a mission statement if available. If no formal mission statement exists, create a proposed mission statement based on what you know about the organization. List organization/business goals, values/objectives/critical success factors. If written material is available from your source, use it with attribution. If none is available, say so and list your best guess at what they would be, based on information you have obtained. If company reports, brochures or websites exist with this information, include those documents in the workbook and simply refer to them. Do not waste time rewriting material that is readily available. Describe the organization type (business, government, non-profit), industry (retail, manufacturing, professional services, etc. ), a description of product and/or services, and customers (internal and external). Provide a brief history, including years in operations. Describe size, by whatever measures are appropriate: total revenues, employees, profits, size relative to industry or competitors, etc. (use estimates if necessary, but identify them as such. Include significant history, growth, decline or reorganization. Compare or contrast with the organization’s industry if relevant. Include management expectations for future changes and/or growth, significant competitive threats and significant opportunities, if any. Discuss potential impact of government regulations and/or economic changes. Characterize employees by experience, skills and attitude if possible. If employee turnover or difficulty in hiring skilled employees is an issue, say so. ). If transactions are involved, describe them by volume, seasonality, complexity, uniformity or whatever other characteristics are appropriate. If you find additional information not already listed that helps to understand the organization, include it. This part has to do with the listings of the major business activities of the organization under question. Include an organization chart. It is not necessary to list names unless key individuals need to be identified. The goal should be to understand the organizations structure and key stakeholders. Note that the organization structure is sometimes considered a private internal document. Diagrams plus supporting text. Provide a high level generalized description of the existing system you are to study. Describe the significant subsystems that are within the scope of your study, their inter-relationships, dependencies, and interfaces to each other and to the environment. This diagram will be reviewed to ensure the scope of your study is not too broad. And, the particular problems identified so that the new system that you are thinking of can handle] Chapter Two The Existing System Describe the project briefly, including the scope and the expected outcome. How many people/workstations would access the system? How many might be accessing it concurrently? List the business objectives (the business reasons for doing the project). For each objective, explain the following: Describe the objective. Is this a new or existing objective? If new, does it enhance any existing objectives? Support new ones? Does it replace or contradict any previous objectives? Explain how. Does it add any value, business or other, such as improved service; cost reduction, improved data access? Explain. Why does this project need to be addressed at this time? What other projects, if any, are dependent upon the completion of this one? Chapter Three The Proposed Solution Describe potential solutions, if any were discussed. What business functionality was discussed, but excluded from this project? What client resources will be available for analysis and design? What are the time constraints- include earliest possible start date, required completion date, business cycles that affect testing, training, or implementation? (Optional) List any known technology constraints. Recommended Resources: Suggest one or two people to represent your department in the preliminary planning phase of this project. The preliminary planning team should include a high-level representative (project sponsor) and one or more people who actually use the processes included in this project. Rough Cost Estimate: Estimate the (actual) size of the project, in light of manpower and time. Based on the size of the project, estimate the minimum and maximum cost of the project. Note: Project scheduling tools (as in Microsoft Project or System Architect) could be used if available. Group members will work on requirements determination; phase II of the project, once the proposal is approved by the instructor. Submitted to: The Department of Applied Computer Science City University College December 2010

Saturday, November 23, 2019

special relativity essays

special relativity essays Shadbolt,Peter. Summers fire hits early. 10/14/04. Yesterday on October 13, 2004 a heat wave came through New South Wales and Victoria Australia. Strong Northwesterly winds sparked brush fires . The temperatures were record highs since 1859. Rural fire services were ready to put out more than twenty spot fires yesterday. At least 50 people were evacuated. The heat also caused electricity use to skyrocket . The weather was so hot that millions of Australians turned on their air condition. The business people were said as to using the states electricity grid. One man stated that the electricity is used more these days because more people have air-condition units in Australia. The electricity load was over 4500megawatts. The Toranga Zoo in Sydney did things differently because of the heat. The zoo Keepers froze the fish in big ice blocks to feed the Kodiak bears. The bears were extremely warm because they just started to shed their winter coats ,the heat wave caught the bears early. The keepers froze fruits for the chimpanzees and the Gorillas. The frozen fruits give the animals a way of cooling down. This article informed the public of the early heat wave in Australia. It showed how the heat created fires which made people evacuate. The heat made zoo keepers work differently. This abnormal heat wave brought up the idea of the greenhouse effect , but scientists ruled it out because there was not enough evidence. Over all the article was written to tell people about the irregular heat in New South Wales and Victoria Australia. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Brands Win by Listening Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

How Brands Win by Listening - Assignment Example The customers are well informed, and most of them are on the social media. Using the social media to sell the brand will not only upturn the company’s sales but will also enable the company to identify areas that need improvements. In this regards, the power of listening through social media stands out to be one of the effective marketing strategies in the 21st Century. How do marketing managers engage with the consumers and how brands can capitalize on the power of listening are important factors that every business should focus on as stated by Jeff. The power of social marketing on improving the brand is not just a theoretical aspect or rather a practical one. Jeff Bodzewsk gave several examples to highlight this point. However, the example of Nissan stands out to be a great example on the importance social marketing. Nissan had not been getting the best reviews on the social media regarding their brands. Their reaction was quite splendid. They took this positively, and they listened to consumers’ opinions and integrated them into improving their brand. The fact that they did that through social media is the outstanding fact. Since this presentation was released in 2010, several companies have engaged in a â€Å"listening strategy†. For example, Samsung has improved its brands tremendously by launching different kinds of brands of its smartphones. The power of social marketing has played a vital role in this process. That is; Samsung uses social media to determine tastes and preferences of its customers. Thereafter, it produces brands that satisfy those taste and preferences. Jeff Bodzewsk’s advice on the power of listening is an important business aspect that every business entity should implement. Companies such as General Motors Ltd should implement this strategy. This is because General Motors has not been active on social media. It is not enough to just start the conversation, but a firm should go

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How electricity is produced in nuclear power station Essay

How electricity is produced in nuclear power station - Essay Example A nuclear plant produces heat exactly in the same way as a thermal power plant does by converting the heat generated from the process into steam which is used to swing the blades of the turbine. But we know that the thermal power plant uses oil or coal to generate steam in order to produce electricity. However, the process in nuclear plant is much different since it does not consume fossil fuel to generate heat but rather it works through the process of nuclear fission. A nuclear power plant harnesses the power of atoms to create energy. As we know that the core of the atom is made up of particles called neutrons and protons. The process is initiated when an element such as Uranium is placed at the core of reactors in the rods and free neutrons are released into the core of the reactor. When a free neutron strikes with Uranium nucleus it starts splitting into smaller atoms which trigger the process of fission. When the process of fission sets off on the way, it splits the heavy atoms into multiple atoms by absorption of a neutron. Often in the case of Uranium Nucleus, when the neutron strikes it might split into two smaller nuclei of unequal fragments. During this process, a large amount of energy is exuded and simultaneously some neutrons are also emitted. As a result of this, neutrons start straying and are absorbed by nuclei of other atoms thus creating a chain reaction. The process is depicted in figure 1. Figure 1: Fission process Nuclear energy stems from the nuclear plants called reactor available in different forms such as Pressurized Water Reactor, Boiler Water Reactor etc. A nuclear reactor is made up of some major components; a moderator, fuel rods, control rods and the coolant. The turbine and the heat exchanger lie outside of the nuclear plant. The fuel rods generally have a diameter of 1 cm and they are approximately 11.5 feet long. These rods are assembled into large groups and they are placed at the core of the nuclear reactor and this is the pl ace where Uranium is kept. Control rods as the name suggests is used for controlling the chain reaction as they have a tendency to absorb neutrons. These control rods are connected to machines that can pull or push them to the core of the reactor. When they are fully lowered into the core, it halts the flow of fission process because they absorb all the free neutrons. Similarly, if these control rods are pulled, fission process can again stimulate as a neutron strikes the Uranium giving rise to more neutrons thus again triggering a chain reaction. The moderator also lies at the heart of the reactor and it functions to slow down the speedy neutrons which are flying all around the reactor. Neutrons which are bursting with unflagging energy travel at a lightning speed and they are able to pierce the nucleus of Uranium. Since the chain reaction increases at a blistering pace therefore there is a need to slow down the momentum of the process which can be done by the use of moderators. Th e moderator slows down and moderates the level of speed such that the neutron can be captured by the nucleus of the element in use which can trigger the process of fission. Heavy water is amongst the most common type of moderator although there are other options available too. Heavy water is different from the normal water H2O as it is made up of deuterium which

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Tesco Malaysia Essay Example for Free

Tesco Malaysia Essay Tesco Malaysia is the only hypermarket who provides online shopping. The reason to go online shopping is Tesco has great quality of the products, freshly picked and carefully packed. Besides that, they have wide range, variety of brands for us to choose from. They also have great prices and promotions, the same as in store. Consumer can also collect Clubcard points, just like in store. The main reason of why consumer should go online shopping is Tesco delivery your products to your door in temperature controlled van. It’s convenient for consumer who doesn’t have enough time to go shopping in store. First of all, consumer will have to register an online account with Tesco and then can start shopping by browsing the product that they want. They are lot categories of groceries including fresh good, grocery, baby, chilled frozen, drinks, healthy beauty, household, pets and home, office gifting. Currently Tesco are only offering their service to some cities and towns within Klang Valley including Ampang, Bandar Baru Bangi, Bangi, Banting, Batu Caves, Cheras, Cyberjaya, Dengkil, Gombak, Hulu Klang, Hulu Langat, Jenjarom, Kajang, Kapar, Kepong, Kinrara, Klang, Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Selangor, Kuang, Meru, Pelabuhan Klang, Petaling Jaya, Puchong, Putrajaya, Rantau Panjang, Rawang, Selayang, Semenyih, Sepang, Serdang, Serendah, Seri Kembangan, Sungai Buloh, Shah Alam, Subang, Subang Jaya, Telok Panglima Garang. Consumers are required to choose a time slot for delivery. There are 2 hour time slots and its next day delivery from 10am to 10pm. 7 days a week. The payment type is pay at the door. Payment is taken after delivery, so consumer can amend their order up until 11pm the night before. All payments are by credit or debit card. The deliveries brought to consumer in a temperature controlled van. Consumer can hand back any unwanted items to the driver. Tesco take payment only on the exact items consumer has accepted. Payments are taken at the end of the day of delivery. There is a Tesco Help Page will be the guidance for the online consumer who seeks for answer known as frequently asked question(FAQ). It’s convenient for consumer. Besides that, there is ‘comment card’ for consumer to click in. Consumer can send feedback to Tesco and rate the page. There is contact number and email address of Tesco on the bottom right of the website. In my opinion, Tesco Online Grocery is a very convenient and easy-use for modern people in city.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Early Religions Of The Middle East Essay -- Religion

Early religions have been studied very extensively, and continue to be a predominant topic among many scholars and historians. This could be due to the fact that there are so many different types of religious, and each religion having their own written guidelines, but yet most are very closely related. Whither looking at primary sources or secondary, one thing is for sure, and that is that the early religions can often be confused due to their closeness in nature. This Bibliographic essay will hopefully be helpful when sorting through information in order to write an exceptional paper. (The Holy Bible, Revised Standard Edition. New York: Romans 1, 5, 10; Matthew 5, 6, 1952.) From the book of Matthew in chapter 5, otherwise known as the Sermon on the Mount, where Jesus is preaching to a gathering on Mt. Zion. This passage gives us a picture of how the early Christian religion is supposed to be, and also gives Jesus view on the Golden Rule, as well as a commentary of the Ten Commandments. This passage contains the central tenets of Christian discipleship, and is often viewed by many scholars. This is the most major reading in the Christian community, and rightfully so, it has so much information that has been studied so extensively since its creation. This source can be used greatly in comparison with other early religious documents because this is such a famous piece of literature, and it is also a primary source, which makes it great for open interpretation. Another advantage of this source will be the fact that it covers a vast verity of subjects and topics which could be helpful. (The Holy Qur’an, M.H. Shakir, Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc. 1983.) The Holy Qur’an, sometimes referred to as the Koran, is the cen... ...ween for showing the closeness in more than two different religions, because it can so closely tie into more than one story. I feel with just these few sources I could truly write an excellent paper on the early religions of the world. Each source offers pretty much the same information just displayed in a different manor directed to a different audience, but the differences are what make them so great. Believe what you wish, you can’t help but see the irony in millions of people living and dying for one religion or another when in reality we all are just looking for a place to belong. These sources, for being so different and so debated over the years are subsequently almost the same in a lot of aspects. Although they each have their own little spin on it, they all can teach us the same basic principals of life, and they can all make us feel like we belong.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Julius Caesar on Honour

Despite the word ‘honor' being used frequently in the play, there is little evidence of it actually being demonstrated in the play. Do you agree? In Shakespearean' Julius Caesar the idea of honor was a central element to the play. By definition honor involves a sense of self-sacrifice and the quality of knowing and doing something morally right; although this definition was challenged by characters trying to balance personal honor and national honor. Many circumstances in the play occurred due to the characters attempting to be honorable and others acting in spite of it.Although the word honor was mentioned numerous times there was little evidence of characters actually displaying this trait. This essay will explore characters that didn't show honor and had negative traits but also cover the little honor that was shown, by characters such as Brutes. Honor was spoken about more than it was shown but there is still some evidence of honor displayed in this play. Many characters in the play, Julius Caesar, did not show honor towards others in many different situations.There was a large use of the word honor, especially in the scene here Antonym was addressing the audience, but the word was overused and sarcastic. â€Å"For Brutes is an honorable man, So are they all, all honorable men† (3. 2. 74) Antonym stated that all the conspirators were honorable and by this he was trying to persuade the audience to disagree with this statement. This speech mentioned honor numerous times but there was no sincerity about it being displayed. All the conspirators apparently killed Caesar for all of Rome but we know that especially with Cassias and Case, that they did it not only for Rome but for themselves. L was born free as Caesar; so were you; We both have fed as well, and e can both; Endure the winter's cold as well as he† (1. 2. 97) Cassias was Jealous of Career's power and therefore the killing of Caesar from the view of Cassias and Case was dishonorable. Also Decides convinced and lied to Caesar about coming to the senate and played on Caesar weaknesses which was dishonorable. To honor someone in this play sometimes meant that it would be dishonorable to others. This was displayed a lot in the play as characters struggled to choose between personal and national honor.What was right for the city was wrong for Caesar, which is what al the conspirators positions. They had to choose, especially Brutes, to honor their friend or their city. With the influences of Cassias for Brutes the choice was made and it was an honorable act in the eyes of some but obviously the murder of a friend was quite the opposite. This was also a problem with Antonym; â€Å"Career's spirit, ranging for revenge, With Ate by his side, come hot from hell† (3. 1. 270) Antonym needed to honor the memory of his close friend by killing the conspirators.This could be seen as an honorable act because he needed to stand by his friend but it as also a savage act o f proclaiming war with many causing numerous deaths, such as Brutes, Tinnitus, Case and many more. Therefore the act of being honorable was diminished as it wasn't an honorable act to all. Honor was a trait spoken about more than displayed but there was some displays of honorable and righteous actions. Brutes was a very honorable character throughout the whole play and was the only character who stuck by his values. Set honor in one eye and death I' the rather die than be dishonorable and throughout the play he displays this many mimes. â€Å"Not that I loved Caesar less, but that I loved Rome more. † (3. 2. 22) He talks about honoring Rome over honoring his friend Caesar. Some may say this is dishonorable but Brutes never had bad intentions and Just wanted what was best for everyone. In Brute's speech he wanted to tell the audience what happened honestly and he made an effort with Antonym also, although that didn't end up being a wise decision. Even at the end, when Brutes c ommitted suicide, it was about honor.He did not want to be captured and paraded through his fellow Romans so he had Strata, â€Å"a fellow of a good respect†, to assist him to kill himself and to calm the ghost of Caesar. From studying many characters in Julius Caesar, it is obvious that honor is a central concept in the play. Although this is the case, having examined the characters and their actions honorable actions are not shown in most situations. While this is the case with the majority of characters, there is the exception of Brutes and some characters who attempt to have good intentions and act honorably. Overall honor is spoken about a lot more then it is displayed.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Explore the Construction of Identiy in Hamlet and Beowulf Essay

â€Å"’Identity has been increasingly used to refer to the social and historical make-up of a person, personality as a construct. Sometimes such identities are conceived narrowly psychological, individualist terms, as the cumulative result of personal experience and family history† This is seen particularly in Beowulf where all men are referred to as their fathers’ sons’. Family history was massively important in those times and men well often well respected because of the heroic things their ancestors had done. Warriors also felt the need to reach the same level of notoriety. This is shown when we are first introduced to Beowulf. We are told about his father before even knowing his name: â€Å"In his day, my father was a famous man a noble warrior-lord named Ecgtheow† Similarly in Shakespeare’s Hamlet, purely through learning of Hamlet’s lineage we discover he is the son of the king and this plays an important part of his identity and the events throughout the play. In most novels, plays and poems, the identity of the protagonist changes the more we get to know the character; the more that happens the more we think we know what they are like. This is the same for real life, when we first meet people we are often uncertain about their identity and personality, we usually learn more about them through their actions and associations. This is true for Beowulf; because it is set in the third person we learn about him through what he does and what he says. A text being in third person can also be useful; the narrator can offer definite and universal truths about the character which can be especially useful as it is almost impossible for a writer to create a character that will be interpreted the same way by every person that reads it. Characters are read in different ways throughout the generations and from culture to culture. It could therefore be argued that identity is not created through the author but by the readers. Hamlet, being a play, has many long soliloquies where he reveals his inner thoughts to the audience in first person. In soliloquies the character usually asks a rhetorical question and then answers it; this allows the audience to understand the character’s emotions and motives, something especially important in Hamlet where some of his actions would be considered very unconventional or deranged. This helps us to empathise with Hamlet and engage ourselves in the plot. â€Å"O that this too  too solid flesh would melt, Thaw, and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d His canon ’gainst self-slaughter! O God! O God! How weary, stale, flat, and unprofitable† This is the beginning of Hamlet’s first soliloquy when he learns of his father’s death and his mother’s betrayal by marrying Claudius less than two months after his father’s death. He contemplates suicide to escape what he describes as a ‘weary stale, flat and unprofitable’ world and wishes it was not a sin against God. Not only does this soliloquy reveal his true feelings about his mother and Claudius, it shows us that he is religious which accounts for his delay in murdering the new King even under his dead father’s orders. The thoughts of other characters, not only the protagonist are important as they help to keep the play timeless. In Hamlet, murder is nothing abnormal, almost expected whereas now it is a very serious offence for anyone, including the monarchy. Not only that, but seeing a ghost is not normal behaviour for a 21st century reader, without the other characters seeing the ghost we would be unable to distinguish between reality and Hamlet’s madness. Horatio talks to the ghost like it is a real thing: â€Å"Horatio: Stay, speak, speak, I charge thee speak.† It can be concluded that identity is how the characters act within the times in which they live in. Identity is therefore impossible to create without the concept of time and the context that the text was written in. Texts are sometimes altered to appeal more to certain audiences from different times and locations such as: â€Å"Hormone Imbalance’s Ophelia (1979), in which Ophelia is a lesbian and runs off with a woman servant to join a guerrilla commune; Curtis’s obscenely funny The skinhead Hamlet (1982) and Jean Bett’s Ophelia thinks harder (1993), in which the heroine acts assertively while the hero dithers.† This goes against the thesis that states identity is created by experience and implies that identity is subject to time, location and the audience it is written for. It could also be argued that each of these different variations of Hamlet have created a completely different identity in each text. Someone’s identity is not fixed; it changes over time as the character develops and often through self discovery or even (In the case of Hamlet) an identity crisis due to conflicted values and internal and external pressures. The shift in opinions and ideas of the character constructs a more complicated identity that is more difficult to label. Throughout the whole text, Beowulf has the same ambitions and desires; to be a legendary warrior. Hamlet on the other hand discovers his morality and desires as he goes a long. This makes Hamlet’s identity much less solid and more complex. He is not a normal character in the sense that he goes against social norms; his unorthodox approach to life and the truth means he is isolated and becomes a threat to those around him, specifically the new King. In the beginning of the play, Hamlet seems to have lost his identity; he has lost his father (like Beowulf lineage was of great importance, especially being part of the monarchy), his status as heir to the throne is in jeopardy as Fortinbras plans to attack and his uncle is now his step father. Beowulf establishes his identity as a warrior and a hero by recounting his successful endeavours: â€Å"They had seen me bolstered in the blood of enemies  when I battled and bound five beasts,  raided a troll-nest and in the night sea  slaughtered sea-brutes. I have suffered extremes  and avenged the Geats (their enemies brought it upon themselves, I devastated them).† Beowulf is a warrior more by reputation than what he actually does throughout the duration of the text. Although he defeats Grendel fairly quickly after being introduced to us, and after that Grendel’s mother, fifty years pass without much detail of Beowulf’s triumphs. The form of both texts has an impact on the identity of both Beowulf and Hamlet as individuals but also society as a whole in the two texts. Beowulf is an epic poem which are traditionally used to recount heroic acts and important events in history. This gives the text an authentic feel as well as reflecting the culture of the times in which Beowulf lived in; most stories were shared by word of mouth, often by song or poetry and not often documented. Men craved the notoriety and were willing to die in battle do  achieve it. The unusualness of an epic poem also reflects complete difference of the world we live in where we not only have no warrior culture, people generally don’t die for fame and monsters don’t exist. Hamlet being a play is much more than just the text and was written to be performed instead of just read. Hamlet’s – and every other character’s – identity is created not only through his choices and the things he says but how he says them and facial expressions/movement. For example Hamlet’s ‘madness’ can be seen much easier through exaggerated actions than it can be through stage directions or obvious comments from other actors. Personality traits such as thoughtfulness, arrogance, insecurity and Claudius’ guilt can also be seen more clearly when performed on stage. Another complication of Hamlet being on stage is that every actor will play the part differently. Not only will age and clothing affect perceptions of identity, the way in which scenes are acted out will also change the character. One way of creating a complex identity is through giving the character a fatal flaw. This is most prominent in Hamlet; his fatal flaw is his indecisiveness to act on his father’s orders. Every event in the play leading to Hamlet’s death and including every other death except that of his father’s was down to his inability to make a decision to kill Claudius and act on it. Not only does his hesitation to kill Claudius in prayer expose his fatal flaw but if he had gone ahead with the act then he could have been seen as evil and his identity would have changed dramatically, this adds to the argument that it is the plot and events in the text that construct the character’s identity. Language also has an effect on emphasising certain aspects of a characters identity. For example the clown – clown is not necessarily the same as a clown in the 21st century, in Shakespearean times a clown was not a very important member of society – in Hamlet creates a contrast and almost acts to remind us of Hamlet’s social status and power. The clown also adds an element of humour to the scene which breaks up the tension and acts to emphasise Hamlet’s melancholic nature. â€Å"HAMLET: Here’s another. Why may not that be the skull of a lawyer? Where be his quiddities now, his quillets, his cases, his tenures, and his tricks? Why does he suffer this  mad knave now to knock him about the sconce with a dirty shovel, and will not tell him of his action of battery? Hum! This fellow might be in’s time a great buyer of land, with his statutes, his recognizances, his fines, his double vouchers, his recoveries. Is this the fine of his fines, and the recovery of his recoveries, to have his fine pate full of fine dirt? Will his vouchers vouch him no more of his purchases, and double ones too, than the length and breadth of a pair of indentures? The very conveyances of his lands will scarcely lie in this box, and must th’inheritor himself have no more, ha?† Contrasting language by using words together in this soliloquy such as ‘shovel’ and ‘dirt’ with ‘recognizances’ and ‘conveyances’ demonstate his conflicting identity. The ‘Ha?’ at the end also acts as a rhetorical question which marks a change on his views of wealth, power and death. In conclusion, although identity of a character has many contributing factors, the protagonists in both texts would have no identity at all without experiences that shaped their personality and traits throughout the text. Although language and form have an effect on identity, it is the plot that has the most impact on the character.

Friday, November 8, 2019

buy custom Sicko essay

buy custom Sicko essay Sicko is a film created, produced, directed and starred by Michael Moore. It investigates the medical care in U.S, and discusses a health scheme that is fraudulent and care less for its patients. Moore uses transitions to create continuity and fluency in the film. He uses transitions to develop the plot of his film. An instance where Moore has used transition is where he addresses a group of people stressing that they take care of one another, irrespective of their individual differences. He demonstrates this matter by deciding to assist one of his chief critics, the webmaster of He sends Mr. Kenefick the money required to cover the medical expense of his sick wife. Kenefick earlier feared he might be forced to close the website in order to get the U.S $ 12000 he needed. He uses humor to challenge the government to provide better medical care to its citizens. An instance of humor is seen when the movie ends, he walks towards the capital with a basket filled with his clothes. He sarcastically says he will make the government do his laundry until one day, the sick and the disillusioned receive better health care. Evaluative evidence is proof obtained by examining an idea and later judging it. Moore has used this evidence in the film to validate his argument. In the film, he does this when h interviews ex-employees of insurance firms. The former employee describes cost-saving ideas employed by insurance companies to give bonuses to the firms management. By doing so, they evades compensating policy holders hence maximizing company profitability. Causal evidence is proof obtained by assessing the cause of something hence relating it to the happenings. In the film, he uses the recorded conversations between President Richard Nixon and John Ehrlichman to show what led to the expansion of Health Maintenance Organization-based medical care program. In the tape, Ehrlichman tells President Nixon that the less medical care they give to the citizens, the more money they will earn. Nixon supports the plan. It led to the expansion of the health care program. Ethos is an argument that depends on the trustworthiness of credentials of the speaker. Moore is known to advocate for better and affordable medical care for all people of different social and economic status. In the film, he accompanies the rescue workers who helped after the September 11 attacks to GuantanamoBay camp. At the entrance camp, he uses a megaphone to ask for access; pleading for the victims to get the same treatment the prisoners are offered. His credentials help as the rescue workers are hospitalized and given treatment. Before they leave, the volunteers are honored by a local fire station.> Pathos is an argument that arouses pity or sadness in the viewer or reader. Pathos is used in this film. An instance of pathos in the film is when Moore decides to offer an olive branch to his fiercest critic by sending him money for his wifes treatment. This shows the viewers how committed Moore is towards seeing better medical care provided to the sick. Logos is an argument relying on the intellectual capacity of the viewer. Moore uses pathos in the film to allow the viewers judge. An instance where pathos is applied is where he interviews the head of gynecology and obstetrics when he visits a hospital in France. It is up to the viewers to judge if the response of the hospital staff is valid. Moore uses a number of evidence to support his work. He mostly interviews stakeholders to prove his viewpoints. For instance, he interviews former staff of insurance firms who reveal how firms employ cost-saving initiatives, which give bonuses to the owners. They also reveal how these firms employ these tricks to evade compensating their policy holders hence maximizing profits for the company. Moore travels to different places to get first hand information from the oppressed. He goes to the United Kingdom and cross-examines patients and questions them on in-hospital charges incurred by patients and finds out that they make no payments. Buy custom "Sicko" essay

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Relationship of the United States and Japan

Relationship of the United States and Japan The earliest contact between both countries was through merchants and explorers. Later in the mid-1800s several representatives from the U.S. traveled to Japan in order to negotiate trade agreements, including Commodore Matthew Perry in 1852 who negotiated the first trade treaty and the Convention of Kanagawa. Likewise, a Japanese delegation came to the U.S. in 1860 in hopes of strengthening diplomatic and trade relations between both countries. World War II World War II saw the countries pitted against each other after the Japanese bombed the American naval base at  Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, in 1941. The war ended in 1945 after Japan suffered tremendous causalities from the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the firebombing of Tokyo. Korean War Both China and the US got involved in the Korean War in support of the North and the South respectively. This was the only time when soldiers from both countries actually fought as the U.S./U.N. forces battled Chinese soldiers upon Chinas official entrance in the war to counter American involvement. Surrender On August 14, 1945, Japan surrendered leading to an occupation by the victorious Allied forces. Upon gaining control of Japan, U.S. President Harry Truman appointed General Douglas MacArthur as Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers in Japan. The Allied forces worked on the reconstruction of Japan, as well as consolidating political legitimacy by publicly standing on the side of Emperor Hirohito. This allowed MacArthur to work within the political system. By the end of 1945, approximately 350,000 U.S. servicemen were in Japan working on a wide variety of projects. Post War Transformation Under Allied control, Japan undertook a remarkable transformation characterized by the new constitution of Japan which emphasized democratic principles, educational and economic reform, and demilitarization which was embedded in the new Japanese constitution. As the reforms took place MacArthur gradually shifted political control over to the Japanese culminating in the 1952 Treaty of San Francisco which officially ended the occupation. This framework was the beginning of a close relationship between both countries that lasts until this day. Close Cooperation The period after the San Francisco treaty has been characterized by close cooperation between both countries, with 47,000 US military servicemen remaining in Japan by invitation of the Japanese government. Economic cooperation has also been playing a large role in the relationship with the US providing Japan with significant amounts of aid in the post-war periods as Japan became an ally in the Cold War. The partnership has resulted in the reemergence of the Japanese economy which remains one of the strongest economies in the region.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Trademark Laws Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Trademark Laws - Case Study Example Given this initial interest confusion, an actionable theory, the court found that the public was likely to be confused to some extent and this was enough for the court to further find that trademarks could not be used as metatags. The ruling, however, was rather specific or limited. The facts of this case provided that the MovieBuff trademark owned by Brookfield could not be used as a metatag; however, the court mentioned several variations that would not be unlawful. First, the court noted that simply putting a space between the movie and the buff would be a lawful metatag; this would be a nearly identical use of language and protect West Coast from lawsuits. Second, the court stated that trademarks can be used descriptively in metatags and on web pages. The trademark, for instance, could be used to make comparisons or to draw contrasts. Thus, in short, the ruling was very specific in that it found the exact use of a trademark in a metatag to be unlawful while at the same time articulating a few safe harbors. The court's reasoning seems sound and persuasive.

Friday, November 1, 2019

International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1

International marketing - Essay Example Geocentric means employing third country national and Poly centric staffing means employing home country nationals. Home country nationals are those from the MNC’s home country. Ethnocentrism is a part of Chinese culture and it often creates barriers from one another and causes to from wrong opinions about each other. It often causes racial discrimination, hallo effect and wrong actions. â€Å"Ethnocentrism may be defined as the tendency to view the values and behavior of other peoples as invariably inferior and less "natural" or logical than those of ones own social group and to judge the values and behaviors of other peoples by the standards of ones own social  group.† (You are a Fluke of the Universe). Ethnocentric beliefs make people of the same race and class acted in the same manner, as well as believing that their race is superior. Culture is the set of values, moral beliefs, and way of doing things in a specific community or group of people. Culture is a challenge to the MNC’s in the international market. In order to succeed in the global market, it is essential to understand the local culture and can make appropriate changes in business activities. Now a days MNC’s are adopting various changes in their approach due to the new global market opportunities. They identify that the cultural aspects as important part in their strategy. BRIC economy is continuously increasing and MNC’s had realised the importance of understanding culture and norms of emerging economic powers. BRIC is the new emerging market and includes Brazil, Russia, India and China. â€Å"Although BRICS economies are growing, this growth would not adequately reflect on prosperity and per ca pita income. In this scenario, BRICS as an alliance could ensure that the benefits of this projected success story reach the people in these countries, and are not siphoned off by unfavorable trade agreements or hot money invested from other parts of the world.†

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Race-Blind Admissions at the University of Texas-Austin Article

Race-Blind Admissions at the University of Texas-Austin - Article Example Ultimately, the outcomes that the policy yielded through the passage of time tended to prove the policy to be a deprivation of opportunity. The policy for the Race-blind Admission taken by the authority of the University of Texas is a milestone and at the same time, an epoch-making event in the US history of building a race-blind nation that will stand unified at one platform. The admission policy is exemplary in the sense that it was proficient enough to meet both the legal guidelines of the court and the pressing requirements diversity that was usually maintained under the Affirmative Actions in the pre-Hopwood admission policies. The issue of minority enrollment in the education has been an issue of the struggle for decades in the history of Texas. A number of measures have been adopted to increase the enrollment of the minority students and been changed to meet the ever-changing requirements of the time. After a verdict of the Federal court in 1996, the Texas Authority was pushed to modify the race-conscious admission policies in order to retain the diversity at states colleges and universities. Without directly focusing on the applicants’ ethnicity, the state lawmakers instituted Top Ten Percent Plan to ensure an automatic admission to any public universities in Texas. The plan that was enacted by the 75th Legislature served a two-fold purpose: to meet the requirements of diversity and to face the law of equal opportunity (Barr, 2005, p. 1). It is evident that the pre-Hopwood admission policy was outlawed on the ground that it goes against the US constitution. But the fact whether the policy adopted by the University Authority and the state legislators in the post Hopwood period was capable enough of bridging the hollering racial gaps existing in the US society may engender controversy.  

Monday, October 28, 2019

Alcoholic Beverage Should Be Illegal for All Ages Essay Example for Free

Alcoholic Beverage Should Be Illegal for All Ages Essay ?Penalties for drunk driving should be dramatically increased. I strongly believe that penalties for drunk driving should be dramatically increased. When a person decides to drink alcohol there should be thoughts going through their head. A person who drinks alcohol and doesn’t have a designated driver should already know their putting people in danger and going to receive a drastic penalty. On the other hand, for driver’s safety the law should increase the penalties for drunk driving drastically. Not only should their penalty be increased; they should have to participate in effective treatment before they thing about driving under the influence again. D. J. Hanson. (1997-2012) said when drivers drive drunk their speed limit is ten miles higher than their regular speed limit. For instance if a driver is driving 50 miles per hour on the interstate and their under the influence their speed limit is going to 60 miles per hour nonstop. Imagine if there was traffic on the interstate, midnight black outside, and an old lady is only driving 40 miles per hour on the interstate. The driver is under the influence driving 60 miles compared to the elderly lady 40 miles; there’s going to be an sever accident due to the driver driving drunk. This make the old lady be in a reckless predicament. A family has lost a love one and leaves the drunk driver with a DUI. The driver shouldn’t only get charged with a DUI he should go to therapy, rehab, and not be allowed to drive again. Furthermore, even though the drinking again has increased to 21 it shouldn’t make people think its okay to drink and drive drunk. Here’s a quote I found interesting to making penalties dramatically increased. DeWine (R-OH): It is a question of rights the right to have a fair chance on the highway, not to have someone come at you who has been drinking and driving. People have a right to drive on a highway so why should a person who is driving drunk penalty should be increasly severely. Lastly, I think penalities should be dramacticlly increased because I have lost 3 loved ones because somebody was driving drunk. The driver was driving 80 miles per hour on the expressway. When my auntie switched over to the fast lane the driver can full speed ahead and flipped the car 4 times in the air. My auntie wasn’t the only person in the car my 3 year old cousin and my 15 year old cousin. I was following behind my auntie when the accident happened. The funeral was very dreatful. Losing a love one to drunk driving and only getting a DUI isn’t enough. I agree with the statement penatlties should be dramactility increased to those who decides to drive under the incfluence.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Twilight Bella Swan and Edward Cullen :: twlight, love,

Is love at first sight possible? Is love and discontent possible at first sight? How can two people that have such discontent for each other fall in love? In the book and film Twilight Bella Swan and Edward Cullen both certainly did. They were drawn to each by curiosity and beauty. Curiosity drew them together, but they did not like each other very much in the beginning. They both ended up having a deep longing to be with one another and could not imagine being apart. In the book and movie Twilight, Bella was a girl who moved from hot sunny Arizona to basically a dark and rainy place called Forks Washington. She moved there because her mother and her mother’s new husband went on the road for a while. She didn’t like forks, in fact she hated it. But she moved there none the less allowing her mother to have time alone with her new husband. She moved with her father to Forks whose name was Charlie. She hadn’t gone to Forks for a visit since she was 14. The first time she saw Edward Cullen was in the cafeteria at school. He had reddish brown hair. He was beautiful and perfect. He had two â€Å"foster† sisters and two â€Å"foster† brothers as well who were perfect She couldn’t help to look at him more than once but did not want to appear that she was starring. He looked at her with somewhat of a smile on his face and then with a look of curiosity. The second time she saw Edward was quite different. It was biology class when Bella saw Edward next. She was seated next to him by the teacher. Edward looked at her with hostility and anger. He continued to stare at her the entire length of the class. His eyes were black. He appeared as though something smelled bad so Bella discreetly sniffed herself thinking perhaps she smelled badly. Feeling uncomfortable, she hid behind her hair trying not to look at him for the remainder of the class. Before class was over she looked at him one last time. His eyes were full of revulsion as if he literally wanted to kill her.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

International Student Essay

Nowadays , Education play an important role in our life . However , there are some countries which have poor education , poor teaching and learning strategies . Actually , Those students will go to higher education institutions country . It calls ‘’ International Students ‘’ . More importantly , United Kingdom is the most famous about education . The term ‘’ international students ‘’ is taken here to mean those students who have been educated in a national education system outside the UK and who on the whole are likely to be non-native speakers of English . There is a real story in the UK ‘’ Nicos Story’’ http://www.economicsnetwork. ac. uk/showcase/bamford_international Nicos was a postgraduate student at the Business School. He was diligent and conscientious and achieved good marks on his MA programme. He was expected to gain an overall distinction grade. He had excellent English language skills. An excerpt from Nicos’ email: ‘I really wanted to finish my dissertation by September so that I would not have to go back to London again, but I broke down, I suddenly felt that I could not do it. I was going crazy and could not write a word anymore. I would stand in front of the computer for hours just writing a paragraph. So on Sunday I left and came to Greece. Today I went to the airport for the flight back, so that I could see you in the morning but as soon as I had to leave my parents and go to the boarding gate, I freezed and panicked. I could not picture myself alone again in the same places for even an hour. The last few days I have started feeling a human being again. I can talk with people and they are people who care about me, I go out with friends for coffee and I want to cry. The first morning I woke up, I started crying because my mother had washed my bag, someone had done something for me. ‘ Common diffiuculties for International students. According to this story , there are clearly challenges for international students studying at higher education institutions in the UK . As University City London adds that major problems for International students They go on to say that culture shock . ‘’ As well as having to cope with a new institution and educational environment, international students are having to adjust to a different national culture with often unfamiliar social customs and conventions. They may become very homesick. Where English is not the first language, having to converse with strangers all the time in a foreign language is a strain. Some women students come from cultures where they have had a sheltered life and spent little time on their own or in the company of males outside their family. They may be vulnerable in certain social situations or upset by conventions that they do not understand ‘’. Secondly , ‘’ Students for whom English is a second language may struggle with their courses, International students are often under considerable pressure to succeed academically and their expectations of themselves may be unrealistic. The transition to a different educational system and new approaches to study is often more challenging than to home students. For example, students from abroad are sometimes unaccustomed to active learning situations, such as participating in discussion and working on a team project. They may have had a much more formal relationship with their teachers and thus be less inclined than home students to seek help from their personal tutors ‘’ Thirdly, ‘’ The number of students experiencing financial difficulties has increased significantly in recent years and is likely to continue doing so. Some students are more or less permanently hard up; others create short-term difficulties for themselves by managing their money badly . It is expensive to come to university ‘’. More exactly , According to J. K Bamford ( 2008 ) ,’’ The first of the these challenges concerns English language ability, or rather consideration of the fact that many international students are non-native speakers of English. This has two aspects to it. Firstly, there is a minimum language requirement for entry for all overseas students and secondly, even if students have more than met this entry requirement they may not be familiar with technical terminology for a specialist subject area. For some students who have only just met the criterion for language, studying in English particularly at Masters level can prove onerous and stressful. In this case study this aspect of language ability , that is those students who had just met the language entry requirement, covered half of the students and the levels of independent study required at a very early stage of the course caused a lot of stress. Secondly, there are those that are confident in their language ability and who feel that language support classes do not meet their needs as the classes are too generic and what they are seeking is further explanation of specialised terminology, little time is spent in addressing the more specialist support required by these students. As a consequence, there is frustration expressed by these students as lecturers can mistake their lack of knowledge regarding technical or even political or cultural terminology as the students having difficulties with language, which is not the case. In addition the students have different levels of English, which can hinder the educational experience of the whole group. One student commented in a focus group that ‘there are some people who come from different backgrounds – I don’t know enough about how people are taught in China but we have different levels of English and different backgrounds – some people just receive and not give’. Not speaking up in class can also make it difficult for tutors to gain a clear picture of the levels of English language ability and the understanding of the students. ’’ The second issue is that of the social and cultural adjustments of the students. Volet and Ang (1998) comment that ‘tertiary institutions have a social responsibility to design learning  environments which foster students’ developments on intercultural adaptability’ (1998:21) While students did not feel that a lack of social and cultural knowledge of the UK had affected their ability to study, there was a feeling that lecturers should incorporate the knowledge of the students’ native cultures into their class discussion as this could benefit everyone. Class contribution can also be a traumatic experience but this can be facilitated by tutors who make the students feel more comfortable in discussing subjects with other students that they don’t know. The importance of class interaction for overseas students is reinforced by Jackson (2003) who comments on the necessity for building a ‘considerable rapport’ with the group. This rapport is seen as one of the most effective learning and teaching techniques for overseas students. As De Vita (2001) observes, different discourse styles create tensions that affect a students’ performance. Groupwork may also be an issue and the cultural diversity of groups requires students to use intercultural skills which require training. Understanding the International Student Experience. Moreover , Catherine Montgomery ( 2010 )has written a clear, small study of international students at one UK university, how they network and how they change. Its value lies in the depth of insight into student thinking. She has not drawn her conclusions from a one-off survey, which is the main research tool used to study international students. In surveys of students from non-English-speaking backgrounds, the prior assumptions of the researcher define the issues and pre-set the potential for discovery, the voices of the students are muted and anything different or unexpected is screened out in advance. In contrast, after a tour through part of the literature, Montgomery uses participant observation of the daily lives of seven networked students from China, India, Nepal, Indonesia, Italy and the Netherlands over a period of six months. The resulting picture challenges conventional thinking about international students. International students are often typecast as slow learners with poor English, limited class-participation skills, inability to think critically and a dodgy approach to referencing. In short, they are in learning deficit – if not social deficit. It is no wonder they are studying abroad, goes the thinking, because their home systems are of a poor standard. They badly need our help. Montgomery turns all of this on its head. Her students are mature, curious and quick to respond and to learn. They are high achievers – and a couple are truly exceptional within their milieu. After an initial period of academic adjustment, they learn to intervene and they power past the locals. They are conspicuously better motivated, focused and more aware of the benefits of higher education. These students are studying in an English-speaking country not because its culture is intrinsically superior but because English is the global language of business, professions and knowledge. They do not need to abandon the educational backgrounds and cultural identities that they brought to the UK, but they are eager to layer new learning and new identities on top. The effects of being a foreign student ‘’ Usually becoming a foreign student in order to study in another city can change your life in many aspects. Living in a city far away from home can bring many consequences and effects which almost always change a student’s form of life. When I became a foreign student, many things changed or had to change. You do not live with your family, so usually you have to learn how to live in harmony with others, how to do things by yourself, how to move to other places, etc. Being a foreign makes you learn a lot of things, but at the beginning it can be somewhat difficult, as it happened to me. That is why the purpose of this paper is to discuss the three main effects of being a foreign student. The main effect and the one that affects you most is the fact that you do not live with your parents and in your house, which means that you will not enjoy its commodities. It was so good when your mom cooked for you, and when the house maid used to make your bed. Your dad took you to school, and when classes finished, you returned to your room and made yourself completely comfortable. But becoming a foreign student implies that you will live in a dormitory or that you will rent an apartment . Usually you have to take care of dirty dishes, messy rooms, and cooking. This means you have to learn many new things, like how to cook several dishes. In a few words, you have to learn how to be independent. Another effect is that you have to find your way around the city, so you have to know the main parts of the city. If you have a car, it may be easier to explore the city. You can just get lost and see where each street takes you, and then find a way back home. But if you don’t have a car, you need to learn how to get around by walking, in buses, or with taxis. For this you may find out about bus routes or find out how much costs to use taxis, and in this way you can plan the time it will take you to get from your house to school, for example. This will force you to plan your time better, and maybe you will have less available time along the day. This may decrease the time you have to make homework or to hang out with your friends, for example. But over time, you learn how to plan your activities in a better way. A foreign student may also find himself feeling somewhat lonely, since arriving in a new city means you don’t know anyone. You may be lucky if another friend from your city comes with, but usually you are alone. It is important to start meeting people and making friends. In this way it will be much easier to get used to being a foreign student. You will have new people with who to hang with, with whom to go to parties. Besides you won’t have to be quiet all the time in classes like when you don’t know someone. Sometimes friends can also help you in a lot of situations, like when you have problems about running out of money, when you need to go to your house quickly but you don’t have a car, or when you need to get something that is not easily found. But most of all, with friends you can have a great time and learn a lot of things. Leaving your house and going to another city to study is an experience in your life that cannot be compared to any other experience in your life. You learn how to be independent, and you get to meet tons of people. It may be somewhat difficult to live without your parents and in another city, but this makes you learn how to live your life better and how to appreciate what you have, like your parents and your belongings. Besides, you get to appreciate the things you achieve during your life because you learn that your goals are not achieved easily, but that they cost a lot of work and effort. In conclusion, being a foreign student is great! ‘’

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Medieval World View

Dametrius Sanders 003 Mrs. Pike November 26, 2012 The Medieval World View, ed. ed. Candace R. Gregory, Carey Roberts, and H. Micheal Tarver (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) Peter von Sivers, Charles A. Desnoyers, and George B. Stow. Patterns of World History: vol. 1 : to 1600. (New York and Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012) Tammy Pike. Lecture Notes What are the cosmos and what do they represent. The Buch der Natur or the Book of Nature was written by Konrad von Magenburg depicts the cosmos as levels, steps that we have to take to reach heaven in a different way that nobody else sees it.There are so many different opinions on what the stars mean because the view of them has changed over time. So what are the stars are they just there or are they one of the levels we need to reach to enter heaven. According to Konrad Von Magenburg’s illustration of Buch der Natur is a book but he depicts the cosmos as humans on earth being the lowest level, then levels of the stars, finally the top level heaven the goals of all humans. Aristotle believes that â€Å"the earth is the center of the universe, and everything revolves around them† .This idea which is called Aristotle’s Universe was adopted by the medieval church and to challenge this view of the Universe was not merely a scientific issue; it became a theological one as well, and subjected dissenters to the considerable and not always benevolent power of the Church. So making people think that God put the earth at the center of the everything and the church being the peoples connection to God putting all the power into their hands.Ptolemy was different he added to Aristotle’s view of the universe but he calculated and researched to make his own ideas as well. Ptolemy came up with â€Å"that the heavens go in a uniform circular motion and the objects in the heavens are made from perfect material, and cannot change their intrinsic properties†. These ideas togeth er became known as the Ptolemaic Universe. He also wrote about the cosmos in his book called â€Å"Almagest† in a way Ptolemy and Aristotle had the same views and ideas about the heavens its just more scientific advances in Ptolemy's time .Even though today people don't see the cosmos as the heavens or a level to become heavenly beings we still try to discover what the stars hold. The meaning of the stars today really doesn’t mean anything to Christianity or the church. So is Konrad von Magenburg right or wrong are they a level. Is heaven right beyond them and all we have to do is pass certain tests to reach it. But the stars are something that we really want to discover but we as humans no longer think that the heavens lie beyond it.